HQ Building


The South Carolina Department of Corrections Office of Behavioral Health Services is committed to maintaining the health and well-being of all offenders incarcerated in the Agency. The primary goal is to provide all inmates access to mental health care, substance abuse care, and Sex Offender Treatment Programs. To the extent of available resources and funding, Behavioral Health Services will provide a continuum of services that will address the related needs of our incarcerated population. BHS has three (3) primary divisions: Division of Men’s Mental Health Services, Division of Women’s Mental Health Services, and Division of Addiction Recovery Services. SCDC will ensure that a broad range of relevant services, with varying levels of intensity, are available. All services provided by BHS will be based on evidence-based research, effective/promising clinical practices, and will provide these services in a most cost-effective manner. All inmates are screened upon admission at a Reception and Evaluation Center for mental health and substance abuse/addiction and referred to the appropriate levels of care. Inmates may also request mental health care or addiction recovery services at any time while incarcerated and may come to the attention of BHS through other referral sources (i.e., staff, family members and peers) or due to their won behaviors (i.e., substance use, violence and self-injury).

The SCDC mental health level of care classification and coding system is hierarchical, ranging from (MH5), representing inmates who are able to function with minimal assistance from mental health staff, to (MH1), representing the need for psychiatric hospitalization and the greatest need for mental health care.  Inmates not requiring current mental health care are classified as such (i.e., NMH). Approximately 32% of the inmates incarcerated at SCDC on July 1, 2022 were identified as requiring some level of mental health care.