(vacant) – Division Director of Compliance & Standards and Agency PREA Coordinator
Tracy Webb, Interim PREA Coordinator
4444 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Phone: 803.898.4465
Report sexual abuse or sexual harassment of an inmate by clicking here
Anyone can write to SLED to make a report of sexual abuse inside a correctional institution in South Carolina
(You may choose to remain anonymous)

These webpages have been developed to provide information regarding inmate sexual abuse and sexual harassment, explaining how SCDC is working to provide an environment that is safe from sexual assault/sexual harassment.
POLICY STATEMENT: Pursuant to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) has a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual abuse and sexual harassment against inmates in correctional facilities, or patients confined in prisons or jails. The SCDC will identify and monitor those inmates who are vulnerable to sexual abuse and those who have a propensity to commit such acts and ensure that they are separated from each other. All persons who have contact with inmates will receive training on Agency sexual abuse and sexual harassment policies, including reporting procedures, the dynamics of sexual abuse in confinement, and how to detect and respond to signs of abuse. All inmates will receive orientation on their rights to be free from sexual abuse and sexual harassment and will be made aware of the procedures available to them for reporting acts of sexual abuse. The Agency will fully investigate all allegations and will take appropriate action pursuant to the outcome of the investigations.
PREA Brochures and Reports
PREA Brochure (Men) (PDF)
PREA Brochure (Women) (PDF)
SCDC Policy (GA-06.11) (PDF)
SCDC Policy (GA-06.11B) (PDF)

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is tasked with annual data collection responsibilities under PREA. The Act requires BJS to “carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape.” Every year BJS has conducted the Survey of Sexual Victimization (SSV) using administrative data reported to correctional authorities during the preceding year.
Listed below are links to surveys completed by the South Carolina Department of Corrections for years 2006 through 2021, and submitted to BJS:
2006 (PDF) | 2007 (PDF) | 2008 (PDF) | 2009 (PDF) |
2010 (PDF) | 2011 (PDF) | 2012 (PDF) | 2013 (PDF) |
2014 (PDF) | 2015 (PDF) | 2016 (PDF) | 2017 (PDF) |
2018 (PDF) | 2019 (PDF) | 2020 (PDF) | 2021 (PDF) |
2022 (PDF) | 2023 (PDF) |

Per PREA Standard §115.87, the Agency shall collect accurate, uniform data for every allegation of sexual abuse at facilities under its direct control using a standardized instrument and set of definitions. The Agency shall aggregate the incident-based sexual abuse data at least annually. The incident-based data collected shall include, at a minimum, the data necessary to answer all questions from the most recent version of the Survey of Sexual Violence conducted by the Department of Justice. The Agency shall maintain, review, and collect data as needed from all available incident-based documents, including reports, investigations files, and sexual abuse incident reviews.
PREA Standard §115.88 states that the Agency shall review data collected and aggregated pursuant to §115.87 in order to assess and improve the effectiveness of its sexual abuse prevention, detection, and response policies, practices, and training, including by: identifying problem areas; taking corrective action on an ongoing basis; and preparing an annual report of its findings and corrective actions for each facility, as well as the Agency as a whole. Such report shall include a comparison of the current year’s data and corrective actions with those from prior years and shall provide an assessment of the Agency’s progress in addressing sexual abuse. The Agency’s report shall be approved by the Agency head and made readily available to the public through its website or, if it does not have one, through other means.
Annual reports, including addenda and CoreCivic reports, are linked below:

Per PREA Standard §115.401, during the three-year period starting on August 20, 2013, and during each three-year period thereafter, the Agency shall ensure that each facility operated by the Agency, or by a private organization on behalf of the Agency, is audited at least once. During each one-year period starting on August 20, 2013, the Agency shall ensure that at least one-third of each facility type operated by the Agency, or by a private organization on behalf of the Agency, is audited.
PREA Standard §115.403 states each audit shall include a certification by the auditor that no conflict of interest exists with respect to his or her ability to conduct an audit of the Agency under review. Audit reports shall state whether Agency-wide policies and procedures comply with relevant PREA standards. For each PREA standard, the auditor shall determine whether the audited facility reaches one of the following findings:
- Exceeds Standard (substantially exceeds requirement of standard);
- Meets Standard (substantial compliance; complies in all material ways with the standard for the relevant review period);
- Does Not Meet Standard (requires corrective action).
The audit summary shall indicate, among other things, the number of provisions the facility has achieved at each grade level. Audit reports shall describe the methodology, sampling sizes, and basis for the auditor’s conclusions with regard to each standard provision for each audited facility and shall include recommendations for any required corrective action. The Agency shall ensure that the auditor’s final report is published on the Agency’s website, if it has one, or is otherwise made readily available to the public.
Audit Reports are linked from their dates in blue font below as they become available:
(There are no reports for cycle 1)
* SCDC does not agree with the findings and has appealed to the DOJ.
** Audits were completed but no report provided by the auditor. DOJ has been advised.
PREA Standard 115.53 requires prisons to provide access to outside victim advocates for emotional support services for inmates related to sexual abuse whether that occurred in prison on before they became incarcerated. The 10 sexual assault centers listed below serve the counties where we have prisons. The DOC is pleased that these Sexual Assault Centers have partnered with us to provide these services.
Inmates at any facility can call the appropriate sexual assault center for their region simply by dialing *63 on the inmate phone. This call is not recorded and the inmate does not have to put in his/her Inmate Personal Identification Number (PIN) to make the call. If an inmate chooses not to call, the inmates are provided the mailing address of the sexual assault center as an alternative.
Beyond Abuse – Greenwood, Laurens, and Abbeville
- Leath
Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons - Aiken, Allendale, Edgefield, Saluda, & McCormick
- Allendale
- McCormick
- Trenton
Family Resource Center – Kershaw and Lee
- Lee
Julie Valentine Center – Greenville
- Perry
Hopeful Horizons – Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper
- Ridgeland
Palmetto Citizens Against Sexual Assault Lancaster, Chester, and Fairfield
- Kershaw
Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Assault
Florence, Darlington, Marion, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Dillon, Williamsburg, and Clarendon
- Evans
- Palmer
Tri-County Speaks – Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester
- Lieber
- MacDougall
Project R.E.S.T - Spartanburg and Cherokee
- Livesay
- Tyger River
Pathways to Healing - Richland, Lexington, Newberry, and Sumter
- Broad River
- Camille Graham
- Goodman
- Kirkland
- Manning
- Wateree River
- Turbeville