The Department of Corrections Purchasing Branch is located at:
4420 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
The Purchasing Branch may be reached at (803) 896-8533 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for official holidays.
This web page is designed to acquaint you with several key areas that can be tremendous benefit in learning more about the procurement cycle and how to do business with the State of South Carolina. For example, you can review the below listed titles to receive information on new innovative techniques on requesting bids and using this web page. Review all solicitations, awards and public notices issued by the Department of Corrections on line in the “Bulletin Board” section. Are you a MBE vendor? You can receive information on how to become a Certified Minority Business in South Carolina. Please review these sections, and if we can be of any assistance don’t hesitate to let us hear from you.
Online assistance is now provided to those companies and individuals aspiring to do business with the Department of Corrections. Procurement Services can be contacted through e-mail. Various web pages will instruct the user on many aspects on how to do business with the State.
Individuals or businesses desiring to do business with the Department of Corrections need to provide to the Purchasing Branch the following information: A written narrative, company profile or business literature fully describing the product or services being offered to the Department; the names and company titles of the individual(s) who will be following-up on the account, telephone and FAX numbers; and references of accounts that are currently being supported by your company.
For the purposes of establishing a vendor record, vendors are required to furnish a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) or social security number. This information shall be submitted on a W9 Form which can be retrieved from the Internal Revenue Service's Available Forms Page.
Vendor information submissions should be sent to the SC Department of Corrections, Purchasing Branch, P. O. Box 21787, Columbia, SC 29221, or by FAX to (803) 896-1223, or by e-mail to purchasing@doc.state.sc.us.
Procurement staff provides purchasing assistance to agency customers and suppliers who rely on the purchasing staff and its many functions. The Purchasing Branch provides support services for related topics such as general procurement information, procurement policies and procedures, solicitations, awards, and contract administration.
Purchasing Staff | Telephone | |
Ruthie Bishop - Director | bishop.ruthie@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1952 |
Tracy Blankenship | blankenship.tracy@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1251 |
Monica Briseno | briseno.monica@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-6619 |
Chad Byrd | byrd.chad@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1383 |
Marsha Coleman | coleman.marsha@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1949 |
Erneisha Cooper | cooper.erneisha@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-6439 |
Myrtle deWerdt | dewerdt.myrtle@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-8582 |
Trina Free | free.trina@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1950 |
Rebecca Long | long.rebecca@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-8533 |
Ernestine Lott-Duncan | lott-duncan.ernestine@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-0743 |
Elizabeth McWhorter | mcwhorter.elizabeth@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-1934 |
Sheketria Palmer | palmer.sheketria@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-4396 |
Teressa Smith | smith.teressa@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-4768 |
Johanne Sullivan | sullivan.johanne@doc.sc.gov | 803-896-0797 |
FAX | 803-896-1223 |

Prison Industries' Mission is to provide occupational and personal development training for incarcerated offenders, reduce recidivism rates, provide quality products and services, and support a strong South Carolina economy while serving its citizens. Products and services are available to governmental entities, schools, and non-profit organizations.
Visit the SCDC Prison Industries website for more information.