The Department of Corrections has 21 institutions and they are categorized into four distinct custody levels: close security, medium security, and minimum security which includes community-based pre-release/work centers for those with Minimum-Out Custody classification. The architectural design of the institution, type of housing, operational procedures, and the number of security staff determine an institution’s custody. Inmates are assigned, based on their designated custody, to institutions to meet their specific security, programming, medical, educational, and work requirements.
Minimum security facilities are the lowest custody facilities that house inmates with either a Minimum-Out (MO) or Minimum-In (MI) custody classification. Please be advised all Minimum-security facilities may house both Minimum-Out and Minimum-In custody inmates. These facilities house typically non-violent inmates with relatively short sentences or time to serve remaining. Housing is primarily double bunk, open-bay wards with unfenced perimeters.
Inmates classified as Minimum-Out are primarily located at the community-based pre-release/work centers and are eligible for work release programs when within 36 months of their release. These units are work and program oriented, providing intensive specialized programs that prepare the inmates for release to the community.
Inmates classified as Minimum-In are primarily located at these minimum-security institutions but are not yet eligible for the work-release programs. The operational procedures for those in the Minimum-In custody classification provide a higher level of security than for those classified as Minimum-Out.
MEDIUM SECURITY FACILITY (ME)Medium security facilities are more secure facilities designed to house offenders with a classification custody of ME. Housing is primarily double bunk cell type with some institutions having double-bunk cubicles. With single-fenced perimeters and electronic surveillance, medium security facilities provide a higher level of security than minimum security facilities. |
CLOSE SECURITY FACILITY (CL)Close security facilities are high-security facilities designed primarily to house violent offenders with longer sentences, and inmates who exhibit behavioral problems. Housing consists of single and double cells, and all perimeters are double-fenced with extensive electronic surveillance. Inmates at close security facilities are closely supervised and their activities and movement within the institution are highly restricted. |

P. O. Box 21787
4444 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
William Langdon III, Warden
1057 Revolutionary Trail
Fairfax, SC 29827
(803) 632-2561 or (803) 734-0653
Opened: 1989
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Education: Literacy, GED preparation, and Adult Education.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 24-hour medical coverage.
Programs: Allendale CI became SCDC's first Character-Based Institution in 2015, offering a plethora of programs and services to inmates in an effort to better prepare returning citizens for successful entry, including: Jumpstart (faith-based program that prepares inmates for life after prison); Bee program (making of honey); Quilting; Addiction Recovery Program; Animal Rescue and Training Program Cornerstone (Education Improvement Program) and numerous other programs.
Community Services: Provides an "Operation Behind Bars" program for at-risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Stephen Duncan, Warden
4460 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-2234
Opened: 1988
Custody level: Close and Medium (Male)
Education: GED Preparation, Adult Education, Literacy, Work Keys, Barber Certification through Barber Tech Academy, Bachelor’s Degree Program through Benedict College, Employee Ability Skills.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 24-hour medical coverage.
Industries: Industries operates two separate plants. Prison Industries I (P1-1) plant entails three work programs. The Tag Plant manufactures all vehicle license plates for the State of South Carolina. The Sign Shop manufactures signs, decals, name plates, etc., for state agencies, counties, municipalities, and non-profit organizations.
Programs: Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, I am Responsible, Inmate Peer Support, Thinking for a Change and Anger Management, Residential Sex Offender Treatment Program, Choices Treatment Program, High Level Behavior Management Unit, Crisis Stabilization Unit and Secure Mental Health Housing Unit. Kairos Prison Ministry, Columbia International University Prison Initiative, Jumpstart, Men’s Fraternity, B.A.S.S. Program
Services: This institution provides housing for the general population, maintains Death Row inmates for the entire state, medically dependent and inmates within the special management unit (SMU). The medically dependent inmates are housed in the Moultrie Unit and require 24 hour medical care. Broad River is the dialysis site for SCDC inmates. Also, the institution houses inmates who are deaf and blind as well as those that require dialysis and sex offender treatment.
Vocational Training: Sign Shop and License Plate Shop
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Joseph Canning III, Facility Administrator
4460 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-2234
Opened: 1988 (became a standalone facility in 2021)
Custody level: Close (Male)
Special Mission: This secure institution provides housing for inmates in the Restrictive Housing Unit, Secure Mental Health Unit, and Death Row. The Capital Punishment Facility is co-located at BRSF and carries out South Carolina's court-ordered executions.
Education: Literacy and GED preparation are provided by Broad River Correctional.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care are provided by Broad River Correctional with 24-hour medical coverage. Area mental health care is available.
Industries: None
Programs: Religious services, volunteer programs, recreational services, and transitional programming are provided by Broad River Correctional.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Devin Gadson, Warden
4450 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210-4096
(803) 896-8590
Opened: 1973
Custody level: Medium & Special Needs (Female)
Services: This institution houses special needs women 17 years of age and older. The institution also functions as a major special management unit with the ability to house female death row inmates and county safekeepers.
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation, High School courses and Claflin University.
Vocational Training: Welding and office skills courses.
Industries: Apparel plant produces different articles of apparel used by SCDC county-designated facilities, and other state agencies.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on-site with 24-hour medical coverage. Medical assessments completed for all new inmates received at the Reception and Evaluation Unit. Serves as regional medical facility for female offenders who are pregnant, physically and mentally challenged, and those with debilitating conditions and disabilities which require 24-hour medical supervision.
Programs: Religious services, volunteer services , Pre-Release Classes, Alcoholics Anonymous, Rehabilitation Services (outpatient counseling). SisterCare for Abused and Battered Women, Impact of Crime classes, Jumpstart program, Mental Health Services, CDL Training/Certification, MAT, Peer Support, Prison Fellowship, Apparel Plant, Persevere, Recreational Services, Pathfinder Program, Pathways to Healing and YOPRS Program.
Satellite Activity: Women's Reception and Evaluation Center opened January 1993. It processes all female offenders entering the Department of Corrections.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF) / ASU Disp (PDF)
Donnie Stonebreaker, Jr., Warden
610 Highway 9 West
Bennettsville, SC 29512
(843) 479-4181 or (803) 896-4900
Opened: 1989
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Education: Palmetto Unified School District/Evans CI Adult Basic Education offers students with a variety of programs, including WIN testing which includes SC Work Ready Credentials, soft skills, and digital literacy certificates. Additionally, a GED program that Reviews Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies Courses to Prepare the student for GED Ready/GED testing. TABE testing is also offered.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 12-hour medical coverage; hospice program.
Vocational Training: Barbering and OJT certificate programs in Prison Industries, Religious Services, Education, Food Services, Janitorial Services, Maintenance and Landscaping.
Industries: A private sector industry where electronic components are assembled.
Programs: Multi-faith religious services, Jumpstart Reentry Program, Volunteer services, Kairos, Men’s Fraternity, Conflict Resolution and Anger Management classes, and Recreational services. Medicated Assisted Treatment Program (MAT), Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPSS). Offenders can take advantage of post-secondary opportunities from Northeastern Technical College (NETC) and the 2nd Chance Pell Grant by matriculating in a two-year associate degree in Applied Business Administration or Welding, an 18-hour course study leading to certifications in ARC Welding, Flux Core Welding, Machine Tool, and/or Workforce Science. In addition, projected returning citizens (60-120 days from release) can obtain Certifications in Forklift Training, Blueprint Reading, and OSHA 10- hour BASIC. Prison Industries Programs offenders are trained and paid hourly by MidCon Cables as electronic assemblers to produce cable and wire harnesses for industrial, commercial, and military usage.
Community Services: Provides an inmate labor crew to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. Provides an "Operation Behind Bars" program for at-risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Devin Gadson, Warden
4556 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-8565
Opened: 1970
Custody level: Minimum (Female)
Special Mission: The institution provides inmate labor crews throughout the Broad River Complex to include Headquarters, COA, Print Shop, Training Academy Grounds, Training Academy Cafeteria, Food Service Warehouse, Watkins Compound, Horticulture and Grounds.
Education: Work Keys and GED Preparation. Claflin University.
Vocational Training: Small Engine School and Barbering School.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided on-site with 24-hour emergency care available, dental care provided on Broad River Complex.
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Jumpstart, Money Management, Prison Fellowship, Hanna’s Gift, Grief Group Support and Women’s Reentry.
Community Services: Provides inmate labor crews to the Department of Juvenile Justice and South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Tonya James, Warden
4848 Gold Mine Highway
Kershaw, SC 29067
(803) 896-3300
Opened: 1997
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Education: GED Preparation and Work Keys.
Vocational Training: Carpentry, Upholstery, Brick Masonry and Small Engine Repair.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available.
Programs: Prison Fellowship, Jumpstart, Peer Support, Prison Industries, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Religious Education, Character Based Unit and Anger Management classes.
Community Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services. Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Terrie Wallace, Warden
4344 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 896-1521
Opened: 1975
Custody level: Close (Male)
Services: Kirkland receives, assesses, classifies and assigns all male offenders age 17 and above sentenced to 91 days or more. Combined, the R&E process receives approximately 8000 offenders each year. Kirkland is the site for the Maximum Security Unit that serves the state. This specialized housing unit is where the most dangerous and violent offenders are housed.
Education: Educational evaluations, monthly GED testing, Corrections Learning Network, GED Preparation, and Adult Basic Education..
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site. A DHEC-licensed 24-bed infirmary for use by all SCDC male inmates. Mental health services provided by staff of the Gilliam Psychiatric Hospital. Intermediate Care Services Unit for males.
Programs: Religious Services, Volunteer Services, CIU, Shock, ICS, Reentry Services and Recreational Services.
Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Thomas D. Robertson, Warden
2809 Airport Road
Greenwood, SC 29649
(864) 229-5709 or (803) 896-1000
Opened: 1991
Custody level: Medium (Female)
Education: Literacy, GED and GED Preparation.
Industries: Private sector plant manufacturing t-shirts. Manufacturing apparel for institutional use.
Health Care: Routine medical, mental health, and dental care provided on site with 24-hour medical coverage.
Programs: Religious services for all faiths, Self-Paced In Class Education (SPICE), Prison Fellowship Academy, Peer Support, Sober Living Unit, Parenting Inside Out, Strengthening Families, Alcoholics Anonymous, Impact of Crime, Creative Writing Workshop, Battering Intervention, Jumpstart, Narcotics Anonymous, Recreational Services, Job Readiness, Violence Prevention, MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment), Hobbycraft Program, Mother’s Reading Program, Leath Boutique, Operation Behind Bars (will be reinstated), Yoga Classes, Prison Fellowship, KAIROS, Women’s Outpatient Group, Beyond Abuse Therapy Group and Plant Industries.
Community Services: Provides a correctional officer supervised litter crew who provides services to Palmetto Pride. Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison. Service based Character Arts Program teaches inmates to give back to the community by working with The Burton Center for disabilities and special needs, The Guardian Ad-Litem Program, The Greenwood Genetic Center and local homeless shelters, nursing homes, and community outreach groups. The Braille program provides quality Braille textbooks and tactile graphics for students in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
Additional Information: Leath's Website (PDF)
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Shane Jackson, Warden
990 Wisacky Highway
Bishopville, SC 29010
(803) 896-2400 or
(803) 428-2800
Opened: 1993
Custody level: Close and Medium (Male)
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation, High School courses, and college correspondence courses.
Vocational Training: Electrical, Carpentry, Welding and Brick Masonry.
Industries: Various recycling projects for a private sector company. Manufacturing apparel, mattresses, and pillows for institutional use.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 24-hour medical coverage. Licensed infirmary. Area Mental Health Care.
Programs: Program Reentry Services, Impact of Crime, Violence Prevention, Prison Industries, Better Living Incentive Community, Character Based Unit, Bee Keeping, Chaplaincy Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Grief and Loss, Anger Management, Mental Health Services, Volunteer Services, VERA Program and Hospice Program.
Community Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Brian Kendall, Warden
136 Wilborn Avenue
Ridgeville, SC 29472
843-875-3332 or 803-896-3700
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 205
Ridgeville, SC 29472
Custody level: Close (Male)
Education: Literacy and GED Preparation.
Vocational Training: Carpentry
Industries: Various recycling projects for a private sector company and a tire retreading operation for state government.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 24-hour medical coverage and a licensed infirmary.
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services, Alcohol and Drug Education Program, Recovery Group, Impact of Crime classes, Recreational Services, Going Home for Good Pre-release program, Violence Prevention and Voorhees College.
Community Services: Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services.
Formerly Livesay PRC
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
George Dodkin, Warden
104 Broadcast Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29303-4711
"A" Camp: (864) 594-4915
"B" Camp: (864) 495-4920
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 580
Una, SC 29378
Prior to July 2007, Livesay "A" Camp was known as Livesay Pre-Release Center.
Custody level: Minimum-Out (Male)
Education: Adult Education, GED Prep and Testing, Work Keys Program, In House On-The-Job Training Certification, Prison Industry Work/ Training Program, Numerous Private Industry Employment Opportunities Outside the Facility.
Vocational Training: Full Brick Masonry Certification Program.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided at "B" Camp, with 24-hour emergency care available.
Programs: Multi Denominational Religious Services, Full Volunteer Program, Recreational Services, Volunteer Services, Jumpstart Reentry Program, Varied Pre-Release Preparation Programs and Toastmasters Program.
Satellite Activities: A Restitution Center was opened in 1990 that is located on the premises and operated by the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services. .
Community Services: Provides inmate labor crews to the Spartanburg Housing Authority, the City of Travelers Rest, Spartanburg County Solid Waste, Spartanburg City Public Works, Spartanburg County Environmental Services, Greenville Parks & Recreation and an employee-supervised inmate litter crew who picks up trash along the interstate highways.
Work Program: Job development, placement, and financial responsibility.
Formerly Northside CI
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
George Dodkin, Warden
104 Broadcast Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29303-4711
(864) 594-4915 or
(803) 734-1375
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 580
Una, SC 29378
Prior to July 2007, Livesay "B" Camp was known as Northside Correctional Institution.
Custody level: Minimum (Male)
Education: GED preparation and Work Keys instruction.
Industries: Private sector industry program manufacturing hardwood flooring.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available
Programs: Religious services, volunteer services, recreational services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Jumpstart Reentry
Community Services: Provides inmate labor crews to Laurens Department of Transportation, Clemson Garrison Arena, City of Mauldin, City of Simpsonville, City of Fountain Inn, and two employee-supervised litter crews who pick up trash along interstate highways.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Wilfredo Martell, Warden
1516 Old Gilliard Road
Ridgeville, SC 29472
(803) 737-3036 or (843) 688-5251 or
(843) 875-0880
Custody level: Medium and Minimum (Male)
Education: Palmetto Unified School District/MacDougall High School serves a diversified group of students with a variety of programs, including GED Preparation and testing, ABE (Adult Basic Education), and Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) career readiness certificates.
Vocational Training: Our Career and Technology Education (CTE) programs include Carpentry, Masonry and Auto Body Repair, including on-the-job (OJT) certificates in conjunction with SCDC in more than 80 areas. Students also can obtain nationally recognized industry standard credentials such as National Center for Construction Education and Training (NCCER), Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and a Department of Labor Apprenticeship.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Recreational Services, Impact of Crime classes, Re-entry Program, Medicated Assisted Treatment program, Certified Peer Support Specialists, Battering Intervention, Jumpstart re-entry program, Shield’s Ministry-MIT Re-Entry Program, Fairhaven Reentry Program, Prison Fellowship Academy and Voorhees College.
Community Services: Provides an inmate labor crew to the Department of Transportation; provides a correctional officer-supervised inmate litter crew who picks up trash along interstate highways.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Evonne Willingham, Warden
502 Beckman Road
Columbia, SC 29203-3173
(803) 935-6000
Opened: 1963
Custody level: Minimum (Male)
Overview: The Institution serves as the Agency’s Centralized Pre-Release Center for male offenders who are within 180-days of release back into their respective communities. A work release program and labor crews provide work opportunities for offenders who do not participate in the Pre-Release Program.
Education: Literacy, GED and Work Keys.
Vocation: Brick Masonry, Carpentry, NCCER Safety Orientation (certified by OSHA), Forklift Training, Heavy Equipment Operator, Small Engine Repair, OJT Certificate programs in horticulture, grounds maintenance, janitorial services, and food services.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available.
Programs: 24-Months Reentry Program: The offender can participate in an educational, vocational, or certificate program while attending evidence-based classes. A Labor Crew/Work Release program that enables offenders to work in certain local businesses. These offenders are paid hourly by the employers and pay victim restitution, child support or room and board, mandatory savings, etc. Family Reunification, DEW, Aqua Seal/GAF, TURN90, MAT, Peer Support and Self-Paced In-Class Education (SPICE). Additionally, there are various religious services, volunteer services, Alcoholic Anonymous and other miscellaneous
Community Services: Offender labor crews work with the South Carolina Fire Academy, Richland County Public Works, the Department of Juvenile Justice, Forestry Commission, State House, Lexington DOT #2, National Guard, Newberry DOT, Richland County DOT #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, SLED, and the Department of Public Safety-Highway Patrol. A correctional officer-supervised litter crew picks up trash along interstate highways five days per week.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
John Palmer, Warden
386 Redemption Way
McCormick, SC 29899
(864) 443-2114 or (803) 734-0330
Custody level: Close (Male)
Education: Literacy and GED Preparation, and other classes offered in conjunction with the McCormick School District Adult Continuing Education Program and Corrections Learning Network.
Vocational Training: Carpentry, Automotive and Prison Industries.
Industries: A modern production facility producing upholstered furniture, modular office systems, and powder painting for metal products. The Modular Furniture Plant is unique in that, not only does it deliver its goods, but also must install its modular systems. The primary focus on installations is customer service and satisfaction.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site with 24-hour medical coverage.
Programs: Prison Fellowship, PUP (Dog Grooming and Training), Religious Services, Volunteer Services, Recreational Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Faith based Character based Housing Unit, a Second Chance Program, Participated in the Unit Management Pilot Program, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education, and "Impact of Crime" classes.
Community Services: Provides an "Operation Behind Bars" program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Joseph McFadden, Warden
2012 Pisgah Road
Florence, SC 29501
(843) 661-4770 or (803) 734-9487
Custody level: Minimum-Out (Male)
Special Mission: The Center provides an environment conducive to rehabilitation through work programming, pre-release programming/training, and other relevant programs as a means of reintegrating the offender back into the community.
Education: Adult Basic Education, GED Preparation and Work Keys.
Health Care: Routine medical care provided ( 2 days a week by Lee CI medical staff) with 24-hour emergency care available.
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services and Financial Wellness program (Truist Bank) and Recreational Services.
Additional Services: Recreational Programs and Satellite Library.
Community Services: Provides inmate labor crews to the City of Florence, Florence County, S.C. Vocational Rehabilitation, Florence National Guard Armory, Darlington County Department of Transportation, and Darlington County National Guard Armory.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Curtis Earley, Warden
430 Oaklawn Road
Pelzer, SC 29669
(864) 243-4700 or
(803) 737-1752
Custody level: Close and Medium (Male)
Education: Literacy and GED Preparation.
Vocational Training: Carpentry, and brick masonry.
Industries: Manufacturing case goods for governmental agencies and schools.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site with 16-hour emergency care available.
Programs: Step-Down program, Lifer program, Peer Support, Substance Abuse, Jumpstart, MAT, Violence Prevention, Impact of Crime, Anger Management, Thinking 4 at Change, Art Therapy, Silver Sneakers, 7 Habits, Yoga, Domestic Violence, Battering Intervention program, Religious services, Volunteer Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, a Pre-Release program, Recreational Services, Assisted Living, Impact of Crime classes, Character-Based Rehabilitation Program and Self-Paced In-Class Education (SPICE).
Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services.
Community Services: Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison. Provides up to 120 inmate workers for various state, county and municipalities.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
LeVern Cohen, Warden
5 Correctional Road
Ridgeland, SC 29936
803-896-3200 or 843-726-6888
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2039
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Opened: 1995
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation, and High School courses.
Vocational Training: Small appliance repair and carpentry trades.
Industries: A private sector recycling industry that salvages fabric remnants.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care on site with 24-hour medical coverage.
Programs: Religious Services, Volunteer Services, Recreational Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Impact of Crime, Character-Based Unit, Creative Writing and Life Skills Program and faith-based wings.
Community Services: Provides an inmate labor crew to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; provides a correctional officer-supervised inmate litter crew who pick up trash along the interstate highway. Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at-risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
Services: Serves as one of the video conferencing sites for parole hearings in conjunction with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Lashawn Peeples, Warden
84 Greenhouse Road
Trenton, SC 29847
(803) 896-3000 or 803-278-0010
(803) 275-3301
Opened: 1995
Custody level: Medium and Minimum (Male)
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation, High School Courses, Title I And Special Education Programs and Work Keys and Claflin University
Vocational Training: Welding, Brick Masonry, Carpentry, Landscaping, Crop Production and Greenhouse Management Skills.
Industries: Packaging various products for the Inmate Package Program whereby inmate's family/friends may order various package combinations for shipment to the inmate's institution. Watch a news story about it.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on-site.
Programs: Multi-Faith Religious Services, Recreational Services, Authentic Manhood, Yoga, Toastmasters, Corrective Thinking, Grief Counseling, AA/NA, Jumpstart, Real Man/Real Talk, Prison Fellowship Academy, Spanish Bible Study, Proverbs 22:6, Kairos, Rock of Ages, Pre-Release Programming, Impact of Crime and Violence Prevention.
Community Services: Trenton offers an Operation Behind Bars program upon request for local groups. Trenton also provides two correctional officer-supervised work crews: one crew assists Palmetto Pride with litter control along the state's interstate highway system and one crew maintains the Hickory Knob State Park Golf Course for the SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Kenneth Sharp, Warden
1578 Clarence Coker Hwy
Turbeville, SC 29162
(843) 659-4800 or (803) 896-3100
Opened: 1994
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Overview: The institution houses adult male offenders mostly sentenced under the Youthful Offender Act. The Youthful Offender Institutional Services (YOIS), which focuses on the needs of offenders ages 17-25 sentenced by the courts as Youthful Offenders, is a behavior and performance-driven program Youthful Offender Institutional Services (YOIS) provides programming to include: education, work details, mental health services, behavioral health counseling, and substance abuse services. Offenders are placed in the general population based on their identified needs such as substance abuse services for those with alcohol and drug problems; sex offender treatment for those referred for treatment; Thinking for Change for first-time offenders; and Criminal Thinking to assist with behavior modification due to parole revocation. There are 928 Youthful Offender beds in the institution. Additionally, Turbeville CI has 544 beds assigned to the adult straight-time population. The mission is directed by three major areas - administration, operations, and program services. These functions are developed and administered by personnel trained to interact professionally with both offenders and staff.
Turbeville High School: Educational opportunities are provided based on the individual's need. A language arts program (reading, spelling, grammar), mathematics, and literacy training is offered. High School credentials can be earned by a student successfully passing the General Education Development (GED) test. College credit courses are offered to those who qualify.
Education: Educational opportunities are provided based on the individual's need. A language arts program (reading, spelling, grammar), mathematics, and literacy training is offered. High School credentials can be earned by a student successfully passing the General Education Development (GED) test. College credit courses are offered to those who qualify, Dual Education (academically and vocationally) track for those under 21 years of age.
Vocational Training: Carpentry and On-the-Job (OJT), Work Key Certificates, Brick Masonry, Electrical and Plumbing.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental service is accessible on site with 24-hour emergency care available.
Programs: Physical and Mental Health care, Religious Services, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Substance Abuse Treatment Program, and Criminal Thinking.
Community Services: The institution provides a correctional officer to supervise an inmate litter crew to pick up trash along the interstate highways, state highways and secondary roads. SCDC is committed to keeping South Carolina highways in pristine condition. Turbeville CI provides supervised inmate work crews who insure that the cleanliness of the Prideways is always maintained.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection:
Lower (PDF) and Upper (PDF)
Jonathan Nance, Warden
100-200 Prison Road
Enoree, SC 29335-9308
(803) 896-3501, 896-3601
(864) 583-6056
Opened: Upper Yard -1980, Lower Yard 1983
Custody level: Medium (Male)
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation and High School courses.
Vocational Training: Brick Masonry, Heating/Air Conditioning, Auto Body and Auto Mechanics.
Industries: Private sector industries program manufacturing hardwood flooring.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site with 24-hour emergency care available
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services, Recreational Services and Self-Paced in Class Education Program (SPICE)
Community Services: Provides a correctional officer-supervised litter crew who picks up trash along interstate highways. Participates in Adopt a School program providing labor for renovations to local high school. Provides an Operation Behind Bars program for at risk youth and adults to tour the prison and hear inmates describe what led to their criminal behavior and life inside prison.
SC DHEC Food Safety Inspection (PDF)
Donald Beckwith, Jr., Warden
Highway 261
Rembert, SC 29128
803-432-6191 or 803-896-3400
Mailing Address:
PO Box 189
Rembert, SC 29128-0189
Opened: 1890's
Custody level: Minimum (Male)
Agriculture: This institution provides inmate labor for the Agriculture and Food Service Division's 7,000 acre row crop operation, the new dairy which provides milk for SCDC and the Department of Juvenile Justice, and beef cattle operations located adjacent to the facility.
Education: Literacy, GED Preparation and High School courses.
Vocational Training: Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF), Welding, Carpentry.
Health Care: Routine medical and dental care provided on site, five days per week.
Programs: Religious services, Volunteer Services, Recreational Services, ATU, ATU Program for Young Offenders, Moving Forward Program, PAALS Program, Welding, and Alcoholics Anonymous.
Community Services: Provides inmate labor crews to the Office of the Adjutant General, the City of Camden, Kershaw County, Lee County, the City of Sumter, Sumter County Public Works, and the Department of Transportation; provides three correctional officer-supervised inmate litter crews who pick up trash along the I-20 and adjacent secondary roads; and an institution work crew which fills sandbags for use in coastal areas during hurricanes/floods due to storms.
S.C DHEC Food Safety Inspections ("Food Grades") The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control inspects our food service operations just as they would any other retail or institutional food establishment. To check for past or more recent inspections, visit the S.C. DHEC Food Grades website.