Administration (ADM) ADM-11.01, "Employee and Service Provider ID Cards," (PDF)ADM-11.03, "Employee Compensation," (PDF)ADM-11.04, "Employee Corrective Action," (PDF)ADM-11.05, "Reduction in Force," (PDF)ADM-11.07, "Employee Political Activity," (PDF)ADM-11.09, "Uniformed Personnel Grooming and Attire Standards," (PDF)ADM-11.11, "Employee Clearance," (PDF)ADM-11.13, "Employee Recognition and Awards" (PDF)ADM-11.14, "Employee Participation in Academic Courses," (PDF)ADM-11.15, "South Carolina Whistleblower Act," (PDF)ADM-11.16, "Employee Wellness Program," (PDF)ADM-11.18, "Solicitation of Agency Employees," (PDF)ADM-11.19, "Employee Assistance Program," (PDF)ADM-11.20, "Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action" (PDF)ADM-11.21, "Regular Working Hours and Overtime," (PDF)ADM-11.23, "Temporary Grant/Time-Limited Project Employees" (PDF)ADM-11.24, "State Employee Group Benefits," (PDF)ADM-11.26, "Employee Communications," (PDF)ADM-11.28, "Applicant Selection Process" (PDF)ADM-11.29, "Employee Record Maintenance and Confidentiality of information" (PDF)ADM-11.30, "Employee Payroll" (PDF)ADM-11.32, "Sexual Harassment," (PDF)ADM-11.33, "Employee Participation in Associations/Conferences," (PDF)ADM-11.34, "Employee-Inmate Relations," (PDF)ADM-11.36, "Dual Supervision" (PDF)ADM-11.37, "Workplace Violence," (PDF)ADM-11.38, "Employee Deaths, Catastrophic Injuries, and Survivor...," (PDF)ADM-11.39, "Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates," (PDF)ADM-12.01, "Procurement of Supplies and Services," (PDF)ADM-12.02, "Procurement of State Surplus Property," (PDF)ADM-12.03, "Development and Management of Agency Budget" (PDF)ADM-12.05, "Accounting Practices and Control," (PDF)ADM-12.06, "Employee Bonding and Liability Insurance," (PDF)ADM-13.01, "Requests for New Construction, Renovation, ...," (PDF)ADM-13.02, "Recurrent Painting" (PDF)ADM-13.03, "Decor Requirements in the SCDC," (PDF)ADM-13.04, "Energy Consumption, Management, and Conservation" (PDF)ADM-13.05, "Capital Improvements," (PDF)ADM-13.06, "Asbestos Inspection and Abatement" (PDF)ADM-13.07, "Maintenance and Repairs, " (PDF)ADM-13.08, "Drug and Alcohol Testing of Comm....," (PDF)ADM-13.09, "Maintenance of the William D. Leeke Building and Annex Buildings," (PDF)ADM-15.01, "Repayment of Costs by Inmates" (PDF)ADM-15.02, "Telephone Use" (PDF)ADM-15.03, "Processing Requests for Automated Applications, Audiovisual Equipment, and Communications Equipment," (PDF)ADM-15.04, "Travel Regulations for SCDC Employees," (PDF)ADM-15.05, "Security of and Access to Information Technology" (PDF)ADM-15.06, "Special Funds Accounts" (PDF)ADM-15.07, "Research Conducted Within the SCDC," (PDF)ADM-15.08, "Cellular Telephone Use," (PDF)ADM-15.09, "Grant Management," (PDF)ADM-15.10, "Work Release Accounting," (PDF)ADM-15.11, "Petty Cash Funds," (PDF)ADM-15.12, "E.H. Cooper Trust Fund," (PDF)ADM-15.13, "Inmate Pay," (PDF)ADM-15.14, "E-Mail Retention, Backup, And Archival," (PDF)ADM-15.15, "Moveable Fixed Assets Accounting Practices" (PDF)ADM-16.01, "Vermin and Pest Control," (PDF)ADM-16.02, "Inmate Barbering and Hair Care Services," (PDF)ADM-16.03, "Occupational Safety and Health Program," (PDF)ADM-16.03, "Occupational Safety and Health Manual," (PDF)ADM-16.04, "Distribution of Employee Uniforms" (PDF)ADM-16.05, "Food Services Operations," (PDF)ADM-16.06, "Tobacco-Free Environment," (PDF)ADM-16.07, "Agency Recycling Program," (PDF)ADM-16.08, "Commissary Operations" (PDF)ADM-16.09, "Exposure Control Plan (Bloodborne Pathogens)," (PDF)ADM-16.10, "Surplus Property Disposal," (PDF)ADM-16.11, "Canteen Operations" (PDF)ADM-16.12, "Management of Agriculture Farm Lands and Programs," (PDF)ADM-16.13, "Horticulture Services," (PDF)ADM-16.14, "Vending Machines," (PDF)ADM-16.15, "Workers' Compensation," (PDF)ADM-17.01, "Employee Training Standards," (PDF)ADM-17.02, "Continuing Law Enforcement Education Standards (CLEE)," (PDF)ADM-17.03, "Administration of Agency Training Programs," (PDF)ADM-17.04, "Firearms Training Requirements," (PDF)ADM-17.06, "Training Advisory Councils," (PDF)ADM-17.07, "Training Requirements for Emergency Response Teams" (PDF)ADM-17.08, "Domestic Violence" (PDF)ADM-17.10, "Agency Housing," (PDF) Behavioral Health (BH) BH-19.04, "Mental Health Services - General Provisions" (PDF)BH-19.05, "Mental Health Services - Treatment Plans and Treatment Team Meetings" (PDF)BH-19.06, "Mental Health Services - Disciplinary Detention for Inmates Classified as Mentally Ill" (PDF)BH-19.07, "Mental Health Services - Continuous Quality Management (CQM)" (PDF)BH-19.10, "Mental Health Services - Behavioral Management Unit (BMU)" (PDF)BH-19.11, "Mental Health Services - Reception and Evaluation: Mental Health Screening, Evaluation, and Classification" (PDF)BH-19.12, "Mental Health Services - Intermediate Care Services (ICS)" (PDF)BH-19.13, "Mental Health Services - Gilliam Psychiatric Hospital (GPH)" (PDF)BH-19.14, "Mental Health Services - Inmate Health Records General Guidelines" (PDF)BH-19.15, "Mental Health Services - Mental Health Training" (PDF)BH-19.16, "Mental Health Services - Medication Assisted Treatment Program Delivery Protocol," (PDF)BH-19.17, "Certified Peer Support Specialist Program (CPSS)" (PDF)BH-19.18, "Mental Health Services - Secure Mental Health Unit" (PDF)BH-19.19, "Outpatient Addiction Treatment - General Provisions" (PDF)BH-19.20, "Mental Health Services - Mental Health Levels of Care" (PDF) General Administration (GA) GA-01.01, "Policies, Publications, and Forms," (PDF)GA-01.03, "Inmate Access to the Courts" (PDF)GA-01.07, "Access to the General Counsel," (PDF)GA-01.08, "Military Selective Service Act and Gun Control Act of1968" (PDF)GA-01.10, "Defense of Indigents," (PDF)GA-01.12, "Inmate Grievance System," (PDF)GA-01.13, "Duty to Warn," (PDF)GA-02.01, "Employee and Inmate Relations with News Media, Legislators, andOthers," (PDF)GA-02.03, "Public Awareness Programs," (PDF)GA-02.04, "Freedom of Information Act," (PDF)GA-02.07, "Cooperation with Other Criminal Justice Agencies," (PDF)GA-02.08, "Employee Appearance Before a Parole Board," (PDF)GA-03.01, "Inspections of Local Detention Facilities" (PDF)GA-03.02, "Drugfree Workplace Program," (PDF)GA-03.04, "Zero Tolerance," (PDF)GA-04.01, "Strategic Planning," (PDF)GA-04.02, "Employee Contributed Funds," (PDF)GA-04.03, "Internal Audits," (PDF)GA-06.01, "Management Reviews" (PDF)GA-06.03, "Social Networking," (PDF)GA-06.04, "Request To Staff Member," (PDF)GA-06.06, "Continuous Quality Improvement Review" (PDF)GA-06.08, "Inmates with Disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)" (PDF)GA-06.09, "Care and Custody of Transgender Inmates and Inmates Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria" (PDF)GA-06.10, "HIPAA Administrative, Technical, and Physical Safeguards" (PDF)GA-06.11, "Prevention, Detection, and Response to Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment" (PDF)GA-06.11B, "Applying the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)," (PDF)GA-06.12, "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS) Compliance" (PDF)GA-06.14, "Office of the Ombudsman/Medical Concerns" (PDF) Human Resources (HR) HR-11.02, "Employee Grievance and Appeals Procedures," (PDF)HR-11.06, "Employee Performance Management System," (PDF)HR-11.08, "Employee Leave," (PDF)HR-11.10, "Dual Employment," (PDF)HR-11.12, "Post/Shift Assignments," (PDF)HR-11.17, "Employee Conduct," (PDF)HR-11.31, "Position Classification," (PDF)HR-17.09, "Telecommuting," (PDF) Medical Services (HS) HS-18.01, "Specialized Health Services Programs," (PDF)HS-18.02, "Emergency Care," (PDF)HS-18.04, "Inmate Death," (PDF)HS-18.05, "Sick Call and Dental Health," (PDF)HS-18.07, "Inmate Health Information," (PDF)HS-18.09, "Institutional Health Care Authority Responsibilities," (PDF)HS-18.10, "Security and Maintenance of Medical..." (PDF)HS-18.11, "Medical Vs. Security Considerations," (PDF)HS-18.12, "Informed Consent" (PDF)HS-18.13, "Health Screening and Exams," (PDF)HS-18.15, "Levels of Care," (PDF)HS-18.16, "Pharmaceuticals," (PDF)HS-18.17, "Medical Copayment," (PDF)HS-18.18, "Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Protection Program," (PDF)HS-18.19, "Refusal of Medical Care," (PDF)HS-18.20, "Covid-19 Guidelines," (PDF)HS-19.09, "Hepatitis C," (PDF) Operations (OP) OP-10.12, "Shock Incarceration," (PDF)OP-20.02, "Transportation Management," (PDF)OP-20.03, "Central Bus Terminal," (PDF)OP-21.02, "Inmates Paroled to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainers," (PDF)OP-21.03, "Interstate Corrections Compact" (PDF)OP-21.04, "Inmate Classification Plan" (PDF)OP-21.05, "Designated Facility Inmate Assignments and Transfers," (PDF)OP-21.06, "Inmate Identification Cards," (PDF)OP-21.07, "Earned Work Credits" (PDF)OP-21.08, "Contracted Labor Crews" (PDF)OP-21.09, "Inmate Records Plan" (PDF)OP-21.10, "Agency Records Management," (PDF)OP-21.11, "Loss of Statutory Good Time," (PDF)OP-22.03, "Authorized Inmate Property and Disposition, " (PDF)OP-22.08, "Controlled Inmate Movement," (PDF)OP-22.09, "Inmate Visitation," (PDF)OP-22.13, "Inmate Grooming Standards," (PDF)OP-22.14, "Inmate Disciplinary System," (PDF)OP-22.15, "Inmate Governance," (PDF)OP-22.16, "Death Row" (PDF)OP-22.19, "Searches of Inmates," (PDF)OP-22.20, "Searches of Employees, Volunteers, and Vendors," (PDF)OP-22.21, "Institutional Correctional Officer...," (PDF)OP-22.23, "Statewide Protective Custody" (PDF)OP-22.24, "Post Orders" (PDF)OP-22.25, "Reporting Incidents and Accidents " (PDF)OP-22.28, "Game Management, on SCDC Property," (PDF)OP-22.31, "Color Guard/Honor Guard," (PDF)OP-22.35, "Contraband Control," (PDF)OP-22.36, "Damage, Destruction, and Abuse of Property" (PDF)OP-22.38, "Restrictive Housing Unit," (PDF)OP-22.39, "Young Offender Parole and Reentry Services (YOPRS)" (PDF)OP-22.40, "Holding Cells," (PDF)OP-22.47, "Prison Management Expectations" (PDF)OP-22.48, "Institutional Weekly Rounds" (PDF)OP-22.53, "Inmate Tablets And Kiosks," (PDF)OP-22.57, "Restoration Of Lost Good Time" (PDF)OP-22.59, "Inmate Drug Testing/Screening Program," (PDF) Program Services (PS) PS-08.01, "Mandatory Educational Attendance Program," (PDF)PS-08.02, "Educational Administration," (PDF)PS-08.03, "Special Education and Title One Educational Programs," (PDF)PS-08.04, "Library Services," (PDF)PS-08.05, "Vocational Education" (PDF)PS-08.06, "Educational Programs," (PDF)PS-09.01, "Correctional Industries" (PDF)PS-10.02, "Inmate Substance Abuse Programs" (PDF)PS-10.03, "Inmate Representative Committee," (PDF)PS-10.04, "Volunteer Services Programs" (PDF)PS-10.05, "Inmate Religion" (PDF)PS-10.06, "Inmate Hobbycraft Program," (PDF)PS-10.07, "Inmate Recreation Services" (PDF)PS-10.08, "Inmate Correspondence Privileges" (PDF)PS-10.10, "SCDC Hospice Program," (PDF)PS-10.11, "Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP)," (PDF)PS-10.14, "Inmate Reentry Program, " (PDF)PS-10.16, "Animal Based Programs" (PDF)PS-10.17, "Character-Based Units And Programs," (PDF)PS-10.23, "Self-Paced In-Class Education (SPICE) Program," (PDF)PS-10.25, "Programs Offered by SCDC" (PDF)PS-10.26, "Domestic Violence Intervention Program" (PDF) Safekeepers (SK) SK-22.02, "Safekeepers," (PDF)